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Nous sommes très heureux d'accueillir Manuela dans l'équipe. Son agenda en ligne est déjà ouvert!

Osteopathie Praxis

Camelia Cabrera

When to visit an Osteopath?

Babies, infants, pregnant women, adults and elderly people, everyone can benefit from osteopathy and get help and relief from a whole range of dysfunctions.

Osteopathic treatment does not target symptoms only but aims at treating the cause of these symptoms.

Paediatric osteopathy: difficult birth (forceps, C-section, prematured, cord around the neck...), colics, difficulties to sleep, regurgitations, problems to suckle, neck stiffness , glue ear, side effects to braces, hyperactivity, learning difficulties.

Osteopathy for pregnant women: before and after giving birth for any pain due to the pregnancy (back, pubic and coccyx pain, sciatica …). Also to help nausea, acid reflux, contractions, preparation of the pelvis for birth.

Musculoskeletal system: back and neck pain, virtually all joint pains of mechanical origin, pain from scoliosis, coccyx and pubic pain.

Neurological system: all types of peripheral nerve  impingements or irritation (neck, arms, legs and face) sciatica.

Cardiovascular  and lymphatic system: venous congestion (heavy or swollen legs), circulatory issue of the legs (of non-pathological origin), haemorrhoids, palpitations and oppressions (when due to a mechanical cause), lymphatic congestion.

Digestive system: indigestion, bloated stomach, constipation, colitis, acid reflux, side-effects of hernia, side effects of post-operative scar tissue.

Respiratory system and ENT system: chronic sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, glue ear (acute or chronic) especially in children, dizziness and ringing noises in the ear (depending on their origin), headaches and migraines.

Autonomic nervous system: depression, anxiety, stress, insomnia.

Side-effects of traumas: ligament sprain, fracture, falls, accident, whiplash.

Osteopathy helps you to stay healthy

It is important to recall that osteopathy is a preventative medicine. The osteopath can help you increase awareness of your own health.