Liebe Patient:innen

Nach 3 Jahren erfolgreicher zusammenarbeit, hat sich Miria zukünftig entschieden, sich der Ausbildung zur Pferdeosteopathin zu widmen. Wir wünschen Miria alles Gute und danke für die Tolle Zeit.


Dear patients

After 3 years of successful collaboration, Miria decided to dedicate herself to training as an equine osteopath. We wish Miria all the best on her new path and thank her for her great work.


Chers patient-e-s,

Après 3 années de collaboration fructueuse, Miria a décidé de se consacrer à l'avenir à la formation en ostéopathie équine. Nous lui souhaitons le meilleur sur son futur parcours et merci pour ces belles années de travail ensemble.

Osteopathie Praxis

Camelia Cabrera

Structural osteopathic techniques

Treatments using the structural osteopathic techniqus aim at releasing joint tensions. The therapist applies a high velocity and low amplitude movement (thrust) which send information to your nervous system. There is often a ''click'' during the technique, however it is never traumatic and always pain free.

Functional osteopathic techniques

Treatments using the functional osteopathic techniqus aim at treating soft tissues , joint capsules, ligaments, tendons, muscles, fascias … The therapist stimulates the body using micro movements in order to reach a state of relaxation and increase mobility. These are very gentle and subtle osteopathic treatment techniques.

Visceral osteopathy

The visceral osteopathic techniques address thoracic, digestive and reproductive organs. The osteopathic treatment helps theses organs to function properly in order to avoid digestive discomfort, avoid back problems (organs connect to the spine), decrease stress (numerous neurons sit in the GUT).

Craniosacral osteopathy

Osteopaths are trained to feel the ''cranio-sacral rhythm''. This rhythm happens between the cranial bones and the sacrum and is believed to be induced by the contraction/relaxation of the meninges. Cranial osteopathy is a refined and subtle type of osteopathic treatment that encourages the release of stresses and tensions of this structures.