Liebe Patient:innen

Nach 3 Jahren erfolgreicher zusammenarbeit, hat sich Miria zukünftig entschieden, sich der Ausbildung zur Pferdeosteopathin zu widmen. Wir wünschen Miria alles Gute und danke für die Tolle Zeit.


Dear patients

After 3 years of successful collaboration, Miria decided to dedicate herself to training as an equine osteopath. We wish Miria all the best on her new path and thank her for her great work.


Chers patient-e-s,

Après 3 années de collaboration fructueuse, Miria a décidé de se consacrer à l'avenir à la formation en ostéopathie équine. Nous lui souhaitons le meilleur sur son futur parcours et merci pour ces belles années de travail ensemble.

Osteopathie Praxis

Camelia Cabrera

Quality osteopathy in the heart of Bern

Osteopathy is a manual therapy which aims at improving the function of the whole body. Why ist osteopathy helpful? We face day to day challenges thanks to our bodies. The consequences of our lifestyle stresses will end up
showing through aches and pains. The Osteopath  do not only treat acute or chronic pains, he/she will help you maintain a healthy relationship to life.

Please feel free to visit this web site to learn more about osteopathy and how an osteopath may be able to help you.
